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St Bernards Catholic

Equality Statement

At St Bernard’s we take our legal duties on equality seriously.

We welcome our general duty under the Equality Act 2010 to eliminate discrimination, to advance equality of opportunity and to foster good relations.

We are required to publish equality information as well as equality objectives, which show how we plan to reduce or remove particular inequalities or disadvantages. Our Equalities Policy is reviewed and updated annually. Please click on the link below to view the full document.


Equality of Opportunity

We aim to be a community where everyone is treated fairly and with respect. We want everyone to reach their potential, and we recognise that for some pupils extra support is needed to help them to achieve and be successful.

Eliminating Discrimination

We take seriously our obligation to eliminate discrimination, believing that children should learn to respect others, for they too are made in God’s image.  All racist incidents are dealt with swiftly, logged and reported to governors and the local authority.  Our school vision states that “We will value and respect others and become good citizens of the world”.

Fostering Good Relations for All

We prepare the children for the world they will be living in and raise awareness of the needs of others. Our Personal, Social, Cultural and Health Education and Religious Education curriculum promotes understanding of a range of groups in society.

In addition, fostering good relationships, respecting others between individuals and groups in school is a key part of our daily assemblies.

Equalities Objectives for 2023-24 (reviewed annually)

  1. Objective 1: Reading material available to pupils reflects social, ethnic racial and cultural range (by end of 2024) Why have we chosen this objective: all children should have access to a wide range of reading material in many genres and from many cultural and social perspectives, familiar and unfamiliar. Writers from minority groups of all kinds have been under-represented. Reading material should also be available for children and their families for whom English is not their first language.

    To achieve this objective: core and wider reading material will be reviewed by subject leaders and teaching staff.. Funds will be raised to allow expansion of stock and replacement as necessary.

    Objective 2: the curriculum incorporates comprehensive cross-cultural references and resources (by end of 2024) Why we have chosen this objective: curriculum has often included too restricted a range of role models and too few sources and examples from non-western cultures. Children need to acquire cultural capital from as wide an experience as possible.

    To achieve this objective: class teachers will work with subject and phase leaders to revise and overhaul the full curriculum. Every subject will include a wide range of references in its core content, and all teachers will be able to expand and enhance the children's experience through access to cross-cultural support and extension resources.

    Objective 3: Attendance of disadvantaged and SEND pupils improves to at least 96% (by end of 2024) 4 Why we have chosen this objective: full access to learning and the holistic experience of school is even more important for children with barriers to learning if they are to have the same opportunities as their peers. By focusing on attendance, often an indicator of disadvantage, we can work closely with families and children to seek to minimise and eliminate barriers.

    To achieve this objective: the principal, deputy and SENDCo will continue to support every child and family through personal and informal (and where necessary formal) targets and interventions, and will work with teachers to ensure that attendance for disadvantaged and SEND children meets or exceeds national levels.

All members of the school community are responsible for promoting the school’s equality policy and are obliged to respect and act in accordance with the policy.

Link to Equality Policy 2023